Sunday, November 17, 2013

Numeration systems

In this blog I will be talking about numeration systems, past and present. The first one that I will show you is the Arabic numeration systems and how they began many years ago. This video gives the story about how the numeration system evolved, including the importance of including the "0" which was an important discovery in mathematics. The following video is a bit slow in the beginning, but stay with it as it has some good info on the Arabic numeration system.

The next video is of the Roman numeral system for use with young elementary students. It is very basic in nature, but it does the job of showing kids the roman numeration system. Along with this video teachers could have other presentations or activities in which the students can learn the roman numeral systems as well. Before using the following video it would be helpful if students had some basic knowledge of the roman numeral system or else they may feel a bit lost as the concept is probably a new one for most of the students. I liked the video because it was rather short and easy to comprehend and it provided a nice visual, which is always appealing to students.

There is a look at a couple of the different numeration systems in the world today. Both numeration systems give children a glimpse into a world of different number systems that few of them have probably have had the chance to discover as we don't use them much in the world today. There are also other numeration systems that can be introduced to children, they are: The Mayan numeration system, the Babylonian system and the Egyptian system to name a few. These are all great topics to teach children because it causes them to focus on systems that are different than what they are normally used to.

The following link is for a fun game with the world of roman numerals!!

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