Saturday, November 16, 2013

Math help is on the way!!

Do you struggle with math? Would you rather be doing anything other than math? Does the thought of having to take a math class intimidate you? Be afraid no more! There are simple strategies in place to help take the fear out of math and make it easier to understand. Polya's Principle is a problem solving technique to use with any math problems that you may have. How does it work with any problem you ask! Simply look below to find out.

Polya's principal is based on 4 principles to help solve problems.

1.Understand the problem. Reread it if necessary to help clarify the problem. If you are unsure of any mathematical words look them up as well.

2. Devise a plan. Sometimes the trick is getting started. Work on a technique that works for you. Here is a list below of the plans to solve problems.

Guess and check
make an orderly list or table
think of the problem as partially solved already
eliminate possibilities
solve an equivalent problem
use symmetry
use direct reasoning
use the pigeon principle
look for a pattern
draw a picture
use a model
work backwards

Now work on the 3rd principle which is carry out the plan. Use the plan that you picked and work the problem out.

The 4th principle is to LOOK BACK. Check to see if your answer is correct or if something was missed in your initial calculations.

That's all there is to solving math problems

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